Heidenhain iTNC530 Tutorial
YouTube: https://youtu.be/jBtMzQeIzGw
In the previous lesson we prepared roughing pocket machining. In this lesson we will prepare finishing machining of this pocket.
Highlight line 23 and add tool retract after last cycle.
Press L(ine) button and enter Z+50 R0 FMAX M5.
We will use another tool for finishing.
Now press the TOOL CALL button, and from tool table select T8 D16 tool.
Enter Z S2400 F650. And preposition tool. Press L button and enter Z+50 R0 FMAX M5, again press L button and enter X+200 Y+100.
Press CYCL DEF button. Select POCKET/STUDS/SLOTS and select cycle 251.
As machining operation Q215 parameter select 2.
In the previous strategy we left a 0.5 mm allowance. Now we want to machine this allowance in one pass.
Fill the rest of parameters as shown below.
Make sure that parameter Q338 Infeed for finishing equals 0. And remember, if you want to prepare finishing machining floor or side you have to specify allowance left from the previous operation. In the parameter Q368 enter 0.5.
Now, let’s call this cycle.
Press CYCL CALL button, select CYCLE CALL POS. Enter X+200 Y+100 Z+0 FMAX M3.
Let’s add some tool retract. Press L button and enter Z+50 R0 FMAX M5.
Save program and run simulation.
Remember we don’t have function which ends the program, so lines from LBL 1 will be executed. In the last operation we will add this function.
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