Fusion 360 – Stock Contours – 2D Contour (part 2)

fusion 360 stock contours

Stock Contours – Fusion 360 2D Contour

YouTube: https://youtu.be/m1ekL8GTYLY

The Stock Contours option allows you to limit the tool path to the selected contour.

For example, if we want to machine the outer contour of the geometry shown in the figure below in a few passes with 5 mm stepover.

stock contour fusion 360

We will get something like this:

fusion 360 stock contours

If you check the Stock Contours option, you can specify the geometry that will limit the toolpaths. If we now indicate the outer contour of the entireĀ  model (geometry shown in yellow in the picture below)

limit toolpath fusion 360

We will get something like this:

toolpath with limits fusion 360

In addition to the indicated limit, the toolpaths will be trimmed and connected to the next one. This will avoid traveling in the air with feedrate movement. What’s more, at first will be machined areas where the tool path is trimmed, and then the entire contour around.

In the next post we will discuss Tabs.

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