Alphacam Basics – Repeat – lesson 27

alphacam repeat

Alphacam Repeat function

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alphacam repeat

Using this function we can create linear patter of selected geometries.
After selecting Repeat command you have to select geometries to repeat.

alphacam repeat select geometries

When you have selected geometries click RMB or Esc to accept.
Now you have to select the base point or type displacement.

alphacam repeat select basepoint

In the first way we checked option with selecting the base point.
Using the snap and select lower left corner.

alphacam repeat select the base point using snap

Now you have to select next position.

alphacam repeat select next position

You can use mouse pointer or enter the XY coordinates.
Using the snap select upper right corner.

alphacam repeat select the next position

And now you have the last step. You have to specify how many copies you want to get.

alphacam repeat how many copies

Type 5 and click OK. After that we will get:

alphacam repeat

Now let’s check the option with typing displacement.

alphacam repeat displacement

Type X120 Y150 and click OK. And type 5 in how many copies question, and click OK.

alphacam repeat displacement

We get elements that are offset by entered value. Offset in X = 120, in Y = 150 and we get 5 copies in linear pattern.
Please see the video below or on YouTube!

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